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December 08, 2020

[Review] The Hollis Timewire Series #1 ~ The Diseased Ones by Danielle Harrington

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The Diseased Ones COVER
The Hollis Timewire Series
Book 1 : The Diseased Ones

Author : Danielle Harrington

Number of pages : 301

Publication date : February 8th 2020

Collection : /

Publisher : Acorn Publishing

Life is easy in 2647, unless you're a Diseased One...

On the morning of her 16th birthday, Hollis Timewire receives the worst possible news. She can't become a citizen of the world. She's a Diseased One.

Born with a biomarker that bestows dangerous, brain-altering powers, Hollis is forced to hide underground with other Diseased Ones, who believe that the government falsified history to cover up their genocide.

Now Hollis must discover the truth, and is willing to risk anything, including her powers, to go back home.

My Review
I wanted to read this title when I discovered book two of the series. It's always better to start at the beginning, but I plan to read the two books in succession.
Dystopia is a genre that I love a lot even though I read little of it in the end. I particularly enjoyed the mix with "mutants" being a fan of the X-Mens.
The world in which the story takes place will take Hollis in search of truth. She is skeptical because she is divided between two versions of history, the one she was taught from a young age and the one she discovered through a group of Diseased Ones.
I can easily identify with Hollis even though the ending has proven to me that she is still very naive and easily influenced. I admit that I dropped an "idiot" just before the last page.
The cliffhanger - yes, I said cliffhanger because there is one - makes you want to know the rest. That I will start as soon as my review is finished.
Danielle Harrington's pen is fluid because I was easily drawn into the story. It is a successful first book.
Rating : 4,7/5


I would like to thanks Danielle Harrington and Xpresso Book Tours for the free copy of the book.


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