Upcoming Reviews

Review policy
=> I'm Currently Not Accepting Review Requests (Update : August 26, 2022)
Terms & conditions
- I accept request from Authors (Indie Authors too) and Publishers.
- I live in France. I accept only ebook format. No audiobook.
- I’ll take mostly one month to review the book. In case you have a due date, please tell me directly in the email.
- I will allways write an honest review. If I really can't catch up with the story I will tell you for cancelling. I never wrote a bad review. Only useful reviews. If I just don't like something in the book, I don't take down the book or the author. I'm just saying it wasn't for me and what got me stuck.
- My review will be published on my blog, Goodreads, Amazon and Bookbub. Also on the social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- My rating system is not on 5 * but on a rating of 10.
- I wont accept any request for these genres : BDSM, Horror, Erotic, Thriller.
Favorite Genres
- Paranormal Romance
- Contemporary Romance
- Gay Romance
- Science Fiction Romance
Additional comment
- MOBI (preferably)
Additional comment
Every book I review on this blog is bought or borrowed unless explicitly stated otherwise.
For sending me a request, contact me at blog.paradisebook@gmail.com